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The Her Retirement Podcast

Nov 24, 2021

This week Lynn talks about not shopping on Black Friday. There are much better ways to spend your time and your money. The message Lynn and Her Retirement share is how to be more intentional, efficient, and sustainable with your money. So of course, she is going to shun Black Friday. The temptations are huge, but it’s...

Nov 19, 2021

At Her Retirement, we are very research based. As a result, I like to base much of what I talk about on my podcast on industry research. This week I summarize some key points on the 2021 study by conducted by Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America. The study is called the retirement risk readiness study.

Nov 12, 2021

This week we’re talking about happiness in retirement. The most successful retirees are the ones with the biggest bank accounts, right? Not necessarily. Although good financial planning and a solid retirement strategy play major roles in being comfortable and content after leaving the workforce, there’s more to it....

Nov 3, 2021

In this week’s episode Lynn talks about couples having staggered or asymmetrical retirements and all the planning and discussions that must occur when deciding if the pair will retire at the same time or at different times. There’s a plethora of financial and lifestyle issues to consider and agree upon before making...